Saturday, October 22, 2016

Practice Small Cursive Letters

First teach students how to write their lower case cursive letters without the extensions. These letters include: v, w, u, r, m, n, i, x, o, e, c, a, and s.
All downward lines are on a slant of 52 degrees.
An Analysis of the letters is of great value in obtaining uniformity. Most of the letters consist of the following principles.
  1.  A downward oblique straight line
  2. An upward right curve. Slant 30 degrees.
  3. An upward left curve. Slant 30 degrees.
  4. The loop.
  5. The direct oval.
  6. An inverted oval.
  7. A compound curve.
Each exercise to extend across the page. Students can stretch out the
spaces between each letter in order to emphasize the shapes each letter makes.

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