Showing posts with label Alphabet Coloring Indexes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alphabet Coloring Indexes. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Story of The Alphabet

Do you know your A B C's? Each Letter Character Has a History and a Reason For Its Present Form? Have you Ever Questioned Origin and Significance of the Alphabet?

"Illuminate Your Initial" art lesson at Thrifty Scissors.
       THE forms of our English letters, with the exception of G, J, U, W, reached their full development two thousand years ago. Then Roman letter was the parent of all the styles notwithstanding the diversity that has appeared in Europe since the beginning of the Christian era. With a little imagination it is not difficult to note the resemblance between similar letters of the old Roman capitals and those following that have been designated as script, italic, Old English or black letter, versal, uncial, and an endless list of alphabet families. The desire for speed, and the influence of the tool, pen, reed, chisel, brush, were the determining factors in the change of form. Curiously enough instead of being archaic, the Roman alphabet, which is now 2,000 years old, is still the most useful because of its legibility, and also the most beautiful.
       We derived twenty-three of our letters from the Romans. They had taken probably eighteen of these from the Greeks about the fourth century B. C. and afterwards borrowed elsewhere or invented seven more. Instead of giving them names as the Greeks did, they simply called them by the sounds for which they stood: A (ah), B (bay). They introduced the curve wherever possible, whereas the early Greek letters were all angular- what an interesting analogy is evident in the architecture of those
two peoples, the temple pediment and angularity of the Greeks as contrasted with the dome and arch of the Romans.
       The Greeks, in their contact with those great traders and "Yankees of ancient time," the Phoenicians, saw the value of their alphabetic writing and inaugurated its use about the time of the first Olympiad, 776 B. C. Three or four centuries before they gave it to the Romans the ancient Greeks found use for fifteen of the Phoenician letters and then conceived enough to round out an alphabet of twenty-four characters.The changes that took place in the shape of their letters can be attributed to their sense of order; the letters are balanced better and the parts better related.
Latin Uncial and Minuscule.
       THE Greeks were interested in the sound value only, not in the picture value of the symbol, and, therefore, they probably did not notice that A, for instance, had ever been a picture of the head of an ox and that it was now drawn upside down; and that the Phoenician name "Alpeh" meant ox and that they mispronounced the sound in calling it "Alpha." The Romans borrowed from the Greeks and the Greeks had borrowed from the Phoenicians, but where did the Phoenicians obtain their letters? Did they invent them? To what extent were these letters influenced by earlier systems of writings as those employed by the Cretan, Assyrian and Egyptian civilizations? These are questions that probably will never be answered satisfactorily. Many arguments and theories are advanced. We can, however, trace back with certainty a number of our letters to the Phoenician alphabet of 1000 B. C. Beyond this all is, at present, a matter of conjecture.
       The Phoenician alphabet consisted of twenty-two pictures of familiar objects. These pictures were rudely and simply made, for writers and readers soon recognized the fundamental characteristics and all unnecessary details were eliminated. The great advance that can be credited to them is that they realized that a small number of sound-expressing characters, if well selected, are sufficient to express any word. Other races at this period had phonetic systems but they consisted of numerous symbols and cumbersome appendages of non-alphabetic characters- "eye pictures" side by side with "ear pictures." No doubt earlier Phoenician writing passed through the stages of development traceable in so many countries:
  1. The pictures or characters suggesting the thing or incident (picture writing).
  2. The pictures or characters symbolizing the thing or idea (ideographic or symbolic writing).
  3. The pictures or characters representing the sound of the thing or idea (phonograms).
  4. The sign suggesting the various sounds of the language (alphabetic system).
       To free this last stage from the others was the great Phoenician contribution.
A simple ABC activity that I made for my preschool students several years ago.
 Follow the link to download the palm leaves and read instructions.
Related Links:
Looking For Number Coloring Too?

The Letter "A" is for armadillo, aprons, acorns and apples

A stands for Ape, for Arthur and Air.
       Why is A the first letter? It represents one of the commonest vowel sounds in ancient languages. Naturally the Phoenician alphabet makers selected a familiar object in the name of which this particular vowel sound was emphasized. Since food is of primal importance, it is not surprising to find that he chose the ox -- "Alef" (ah'lef), or rather the head of the ox, for the characteristics of animals are chiefly embodied in the head. Not only was the ox important as food but also as a beast of burden, for the ox had been harnessed to the plow centuries before the horse was domesticated. Thus one of the earliest and most important of man's friends among the brute creatures was honored.
       In making this letter repeatedly and rapidly they became careless and instead of crossing the letter V they tried to make it with one continuous scratching, hence when the Greeks became acquainted with it three to five centuries after its invention, the picture had deteriorated almost beyond recognition. They introduced balance and the V was inverted, and the cross-bar was retained between the lines. Unknowingly they were drawing the ox head upside down; and it remains so with us to this day. The Greeks called the first letter alpha, the Romans called it A (ah) and we call it A (ay), a sound it never possessed in Latin.

Our "A" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "A is for apron" two alphabet coloring pages one for letter recognition and coloring; the second for coloring and letter tracing.
  2. "A is for apple" alphabet coloring pages, two versions, one is for letter recognition and color apples and the upper and lower case Aa, the second is for tracing the letter Aa 
  3. "A is for acorns" letter trace, letter recognition, coloring page of acorns
  4. "A is for an apron by full of blooms" color the letter A 
  5. "A is for armadillo" alphabet coloring page, the word "armadillo" used in a sentence, practice tracing the letter Aa 
  6. "A is for the apples that grown on the tree" alphabet coloring page, letter recognition
  7. "A is for Saint Antony" alphabet coloring pages (two versions, one comes with a poem)
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "A":

The Letter "B" is for: beach, beaver, burros, bat, babies, barns , bears , bluejay, banana, balloons and bunnies

B stands for Bullock, for Bird, and for Bear.
       The second letter of the alphabet represents a crude house, roughly outlined. After food, shelter is an important consideration and this fact was expressed by the early alphabet maker. The Greeks again were ignorant of the picture and careless or indifferent as to the exact name of the character, and thus two triangles instead of the square supporting a triangle were made and the name changed from "beth" to "beta" (ba'ta). Combine the Greek names for the first two letters and we have (alpha-beta) "alphabet." The Romans shortened the name "beta," calling it B (bay) and introduced the curved loops. The original name is familiar to us through names found in the Scriptures: Bethel (house of God) and Bethlehem (house of bread).

Our "B" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "B is for burro" alphabet coloring page 
  2. "B is for bat" alphabet coloring page, letter and word trace, Letter Bb recognition
  3. Color the things that are brown because "B" is for brown 
  4. "B is for bunny" two alphabet coloring pages, one is for letter recognition the other includes upper and lower case letter B practice tracing
  5. "B is for baby" alphabet coloring pages, two versions, one with tracing the letters Bb, sentence with the word "baby" and the other with letter recognition 
  6. "B is for Bear" a realistic looking one for coloring and Bb, two versions, trace upper and lower case Bb
  7. "B is for bluejay" alphabet coloring page, word and letter Bb trace, letter recognition
  8. "B is for broken" brother and sister trying to fix a broken train set, toys, siblings, word and letter recognition and tracing
  9. "B is for big barnyard" practice letter Bb upper and lower case tracing sheet, color a big barnyard
  10. "B is for basket" alphabet coloring page, letters and basket coloring, plus tracing the letters Bb, trace the word "basket" in a sentence
  11. Color the things that are black because "B" is for black
  12. "B is for baby bear" stuffed toy version of a bear, letter tracing and coloring
  13. "B is for banana" letter Bb tracing, recognition and coloring, fruit coloring page
  14. "B is for books" vignette of a stack of books, elephants, natives and camels in a forest, lots of tracing sentences with "book" in them, Bb trace and practice
  15. "B is for balloons"coloring page with upper and lower case Bb
  16. "B is for barn" (simpler version) alphabet coloring page, practice tracing and writing the letter Bb
  17. "B is for the blessings he gives" alphabet coloring page, practice writing letters Bb by tracing
  18. "B is for beach and beach ball" alphabet coloring page 
  19. Color the things that are blue because "B" is also for blue 
  20. "B is for beaver" alphabet coloring page 
  21. "B is for baking cookies" alphabet coloring page, recognize the letter B, valentine coloring page  
  22. "B is for Saint Benedict" alphabet coloring page 
  23. "Bb" is for baby carriage... 
  24. "Bb" is for bushel of apples coloring page
  25. ''B is for the bridge...alphabet coloring page
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "B":

The Letter "C" is for: celebrating, carrots, cat, chair, chick, cow, candle and conversation

C stands for Cat, for Charles and for Cry.
       The "ship of the desert," the camel, gave its name to the third letter. Our name for this animal is" traceable back to the Phoenician "gimel" (ghe'mel) or "gamel" (gah'mel).The long neck and the peculiar angle of the neck in relation to the head could easily be represented. The Greeks made changes similar to those in other letters- they improved the shape and changed the name to "gamma." The Romans did not forget the curve and gave it both the hard and soft sounds (kay and gay). Later on, about the third century A. D., to distinguish the "g" sound from the "k" sound they added a little bar below the opening. Thus we get both C and G from the picture of the camel.

Our "C" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "C is for carrots" alphabet coloring page: includes both letter recognition, coloring and trace
  2. "C is for candle" alphabet coloring page, letter and word "candle" recognition, color and trace letter Cc
  3. "C is for chick" alphabet coloring page, letter and word "chick" recognition, color and trace letter Cc
  4. "C is for chair" alphabet coloring page, letter and word "chair" recognition, color and trace letter Cc
  5. "C is for cow" alphabet coloring page, letter and word "cow" recognition, color and trace letter Cc
  6. "C is for cat" alphabet coloring page, letter and word "cat" recognition, color and trace letter Cc
  7. "C is for conversation" alphabet coloring page, letter and word "conversation" recognition, color and trace letter Cc
  8. "C is for celebrating his birth every year" recognize letter Cc 
  9. Color a Heart Shaped Crayon Design because "C" also stands for crayons
  10. "C stands for cat but puss is her name" alphabet coloring page, letter recognition
  11. "C is for cook" alphabet coloring page 
  12. "C is for Saint Christopher" alphabet coloring page
  13. Practice coloring and writing about chipmunks 
  14. ''C'' is for cat alphabet coloring - second version
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "C":

The Letter "D" is for: dance, disciples, drink, duck, daisy, drawers, doll and dandelion

D stands for Duck, Doris and Drummer.
       The next letter D, came from a representation of a door - "daleth" (dahleth). It probably pictures the door of a tent. A custom that prevails among the Arabs and in a number of countries gave particular importance to the door of a tent - a stranger, or even an enemy, if he entered through the door of a tent must receive food, drink and shelter. "Daleth" became "delta" with the Greeks and D (day) with the Romans, who, of course, rounded the angle.

Our "D" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "D is for drink" alphabet coloring page, plus letter and word practice 
  2. "D is for daisy" alphabet coloring page, trace letter Dd, color a daisy, recognize the letter Dd
  3. "D is for drawers" alphabet coloring page, trace letter Dd, color a set of drawers, recognize the letter Dd
  4. "D is for dandelion" alphabet coloring page, trace letter Dd, color a flower, recognize the letter Dd
  5. "D is for doll" alphabet coloring page, trace letter Dd, color a doll, recognize the letter Dd
  6. "D is for dance" alphabet coloring page, letter and word trace, recognize Dd upper and lower case 
  7. Identify Color Words: little girl dresses because "D" stands for dresses
  8. "D is for disciples he sends" recognize letter Dd 
  9. "D is for dog" alphabet coloring page, color and trace Dd
  10. "D is for dad" alphabet coloring page, color, practice letter Dd, sentence with letter Dd
  11. "D is for drawbridge" alphabet coloring page, practice letter Dd 
  12. "D is for Saint Dominic" alphabet coloring page 
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "D":

The Letter "E" is for Eskimos and elephants

       The house picture gave us B, the door, D, and the window, E. "He" (hay) meant to look, to see, or window, and one writer asserts our familiar street cry "hey, there" can be traced to these ancient times. One side bar of the window was lost early.
       The Greeks at first used this sound for the long "e" (epsilon) but afterwards employed the character H or "eta" for the long sound. The Romans at first made no change except to call it "eh."
       This is the letter that occurs so frequently in English words, and many no doubt recall the interesting use that Poe makes of this fact in his story "The Gold Bug." 

Our "E" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "E is for elephant" alphabet coloring page, plus word and letter tracing
  2. "E is for  eskimo" alphabet coloring page, trace letter Ee, the letter E used in a sentence
  3. Color Letter Ee 
  4. "E is for evening" alphabet coloring page, letter recognition
  5. "E is for Happy Easter" Easter basket of alphabet eggs 
  6. "E is for Saint Edmund" alphabet coloring page
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "E":

The Letter "F" is for: fox, feathers, folding, freshly, frog, farmer, fire engine, fairy and fish

F stands for Fish, for Francis and Feel
       Our letter order does not agree with that of the Phoenicians or the early Greeks. Our sixth letter, F, is missing in classical Greek, but it is found in earlier writings. It comes from a Phoenician representation of a hook or nail (?) "vau." The Hebrew form resembles the latter object. The nail was important in shipbuilding, a common industry of the early traders. When the Greeks used this letter they called it "digamma" (double gamma) and its form represented one "gamma" (Greek c) superimposed over the other. The Romans called it F (ef) and during the reign of Emperor Claudius the consonant V was represented by the F inverted. This was done because the Latin alphabet had but one character to represent U and V and OCTAVIA became OCTA(F upside down)A. 

Our "F" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "F is for fast, furry, fox" alphabet coloring page, plus letter/word recognition and tracing
  2. "F is for fancy fairy" alphabet coloring page, letter recognition, sentence with word "fairy" practice upper and lower case Ff, practice tracing your letters 
  3. "F is for fish" alphabet coloring page, letter recognition, sentence with word "fish" practice upper and lower case Ff, practice tracing your letters , two versions
  4. "F is for feathers" alphabet coloring pages, sentence with the word " feathers ", practice upper and lower case letter Ff, letter recognition
  5. "F is for fire engine" alphabet coloring pages, sentence with the words " fire engine ", practice upper and lower case letter Ff, letter recognition
  6. "F is for farmer" alphabet coloring pages, sentence with the word "farmer ", practice upper and lower case letter Ff, letter recognition
  7. "F is for frog" alphabet coloring pages, sentence with the word "frog", practice upper and lower case letter Ff, letter recognition
  8. "F is for fan"  alphabet coloring pages, sentence with the word "fan", practice upper and lower case letter Ff, letter recognition
  9. "F is for freshly pressed" alphabet coloring pages, sentence with the word "freshly", practice upper and lower case letter Ff, letter recognition
  10. "F is for folding" alphabet coloring pages, sentence with the word "folding", practice upper and lower case letter Ff, letter recognition
  11. Identify Color Words: school of fish because "F" stands for fish
  12. "F is for furry" alphabet coloring page 
  13. "F" is for friend coloring page 
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "F":

The Letter "G" is for: glasses, giant, geese, garbage, grapefruit, gingerbread, gossip and gardener

G stands for Goat, for Great and for Good.
       The "ship of the desert," the camel, gave its name to the third letter. Our name for this animal is" traceable back to the Phoenician "gimel" (ghe'mel) or "gamel" (gah'mel).The long neck and the peculiar angle of the neck in relation to the head could easily be represented. The Greeks made changes similar to those in other letters- they improved the shape and changed the name to "gamma." The Romans did not forget the curve and gave it both the hard and soft sounds (kay and gay). Later on, about the third century A. D., to distinguish the "g" sound from the "k" sound they added a little bar below the opening. Thus we get both C and G from the picture of the camel.
       Stevenson said that when he was a child the capital G always impressed him as a genii swooping down to drink out of a handsome cup. Kipling's story of the invention of the alphabet is filled with similar delightful stories of the picture origin of letter forms.

Our "G" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "G is for grapefruit" two alphabet coloring pages: one for letter recognition and coloring and the other for coloring and tracing a sentence
  2. "G is for gingerbread" alphabet coloring page plus letter/word and sentence tracing
  3. "G is for gardener" alphabet coloring page, word, letter sentence recognition, upper and lower case Gg
  4. "G is for gossip" alphabet coloring page
  5. Color the things that are green because "G" is for green
  6. Color the things that are grey because "G is for grey
  7. "G is for glasses"alphabet coloring page, identify upper and lower case Gg, practice tracing letter Gg and word "glasses"
  8. "G is for giant"alphabet coloring page, identify upper and lower case Gg, practice tracing letter Gg and word "giant"
  9. "G is for game"alphabet coloring page, identify upper and lower case Gg, practice tracing letter Gg and word "game"
  10. "G is for geese"alphabet coloring page, identify upper and lower case Gg, practice tracing letter Gg and word "geese"
  11. "G is for the grain He ate" alphabet coloring page, identify upper and lower case Gg, practice tracing Gg, color the disciples eating grain in a field, plus scripture, Bible coloring sheet
  12. "G is for garbage can"alphabet coloring page, identify upper and lower case Gg, practice tracing letter Gg
  13. "G is for grin"alphabet coloring page, identify upper and lower case Gg, practice tracing letter Gg and word "grin"
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "G":

The Letter "H" is for: hearing, hat, house, horse and hare

H stands for Hog, for Harry and Hood

       Two fence posts and three horizontal boards gave us our eighth letter, H. The fence was called "cheth" (haith). The Greeks omitted the upper and lower boards thus making it like our H, and called it "eta" (ata). The Romans gave it a soft sound H (hah) just as we do today. 

Our "H" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "H is for help to hear" alphabet coloring page, plus tracing a sentence and lower case letter practice
  2. "H is for house" alphabet coloring page, plus practice tracing the upper case letter "H" and writing your own sentence 
  3. "H is for horse and hare" alphabet coloring page, recognize words "horse" and "hare" in a sentence, plus upper and lower case Hh coloring
  4. "H is for honey or honeybee" alphabet coloring page 
  5. "H is for hat" alphabet coloring page 
  6. Happy Birthday alphabet coloring and writing paper (available in five languages) 
  7. "H is for Happy Easter" Easter basket of alphabet eggs
  8. H is for help when you need it most! 
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "H":

The Letter "I" is for iceskates, iron and igloo

I stands for Inn, Ivanhoe and Igloo.
       The parts of the human body also played an important part in giving form to the letters of the alphabet. The early peoples recognized the value of the hand and the head and these members gave rise to the letters I and K, and Q and R respectively. The hand in profile bent at the knuckles and wrist gives us the character "yod" (the hand) as used by the Phoenicians. The Greeks, who always liked to have their words end in vowels, added "a" and called it "Iota" (e-o'ta).
       When the Romans received it, it was simply a vertical stroke, I (ee) which represented the same long "e" sound as it did with the Greeks, but later they used it both as a consonant and vowel, differentiating the consonant by making the letter I longer, J; but they did not give a distinct letter form for the capital J until the sixteenth century.
       The small j came into being nearly a century later. The dot over the i was first introduced in a thirteenth century manuscript. 

Our "I" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "I is for iceskates" alphabet coloring page, letter Ii recognition, Ii tracing, the word "iceskates" used in a sentence
  2. "I is for igloo", alphabet coloring page, letter Ii recognition, Ii tracing, the word "igloo" used in a sentence
  3. "I is for iron" alphabet coloring page, practice Ii, I in a sentence
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "I":

The Letter "J" is for jungle, jigsaw puzzle, jacket, jack-in-the-box, Jack and Jill

J stands for Judge, for Jack and for Jill.
       The parts of the human body also played an important part in giving form to the letters of the alphabet. The early peoples recognized the value of the hand and the head and these members gave rise to the letters I and K, and Q and R respectively. The hand in profile bent at the knuckles and wrist gives us the character "yod" (the hand) as used by the Phoenicians. The Greeks, who always liked to have their words end in vowels, added "a" and called it "Iota" (e-o'ta). When the Romans received it, it was simply a vertical stroke, I (ee) which represented the same long "e" sound as it did with the Greeks, but later they used it both as a consonant and vowel, differentiating the consonant by making the letter I longer, J; but they did not give a distinct letter form for the capital J until the sixteenth century.
       The small j came into being nearly a century later. The dot over the i was first introduced in a thirteenth century manuscript.

Our "J" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "J is for jacket" alphabet coloring page, plus letter and word trace
  2. "J is for Jack-in-the-box" alphabet coloring page, plus upper and lower case "Jj" tracing and a sentence with "Jack-in-the-box" to trace 
  3. "J is for Jack and Jill" alphabet coloring page, pail of water, letter recognition, tracing upper and lower case Jj 
  4. "J is for jungle" alphabet coloring page, letter and word trace, recognize letter Jj
  5. "J is for jigsaw puzzle" alphabet coloring page, letter and word trace, recognize letter Jj
  6. "J is for Jack-o'-lantern" alphabet coloring page 
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "J":

The Letter "K" is for king and kites

K stands for King, for Kate, and for Kill.
       The silhouette of the open hand, with its radiating lines, discloses the origin of the letter K, "kaph," which signified hollow or palm. We know that palmistry was practiced by the ancients, and probably the association of reading the hand and writing influenced the inclusion of this character. The Greeks added their favorite vowel sound, "a," again and thus obtained their "Kappa." The Romans had no need for this letter at first, as C furnished the same sound. When they did accept it, they made no change.

Our "K" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "K is for king" alphabet coloring page, plus practice tracing the upper case K and a sentence including the word "king"
  2. Identify Color Words: flying kites because "K" also stands for kites
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "K":

the Letter "L" is for lantern, laugh, lost time, and lemur

L stands for Lion, for Lawyer, and Land.
       The ox goad or whip lash, "lamed" (lah' med) gave rise to the next letter. Herding oxen and sheep was the important occupation of the slaves of the Phoenicians and hence the last, an object so unfamiliar to us, was easily recognized by them. The Greeks again added an "a" and called it "lambda" and made it in the form of an inverted V. The Romans, strangely, adhered more closely to the original form than did the Greeks.

Our "L" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "L is for lantern" alphabet coloring page, plus a sentence including the word "lantern" and upper case "L" for tracing
  2. Identify Color Words: fall leaves because "L" stands for leaves
  3. "L is for lemur" alphabet coloring page, coloring and letter recognition of Ll, two versions
  4. "L is for lost time" alphabet coloring page
  5. "L is for laugh" alphabet coloring page
  6. "L is for Liberty Bell" alphabet coloring page, identify the upper and lower case Ll, tracing the letter Ll
  7. "L is for lick" alphabet coloring page, practice tracing letter Ll, and identify the word "lick" in a sentence
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "L":

The Letter "M" is for music and market

M stands for Magpie, for Martha and Mend.
       The Phoenicians were lovers of the sea, and from this source two letters were derived, M and N. They explored not only all of the Mediterranean shore at an early date, but they also sailed boldly through the gates of Gibraltar, and "beyond the world" where they found Britain. They were the first navigators that sailed by night and it is said they discovered the north star. Therefore it is not surprising that water "mem" (maim) is the source of M and that fish, "nun" (noon) the source of N. The letter M has changed but little in form, it is the Greek letter "Mu" and the Roman M (em). The head of the fish, from which the letter N is pictured, was simplified even more than the head of the ox, in A. It no doubt represents the fisherman's viewpoint - not a swimming fish but a suspended one. The Greeks reversed the stroke and called it "Nu" and the Romans did not change its form but called it N (en).

Our "M" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "M":

The Letter "N" is for nest and native

N stands for Nag, for Nanny, and Notes.
       The Phoenicians were lovers of the sea, and from this source two letters were derived, M and N. They explored not only all of the Mediterranean shore at an early date, but they also sailed boldly through the gates of Gibraltar, and "beyond the world" where they found Britain. They were the first navigators that sailed by night and it is said they discovered the north star. Therefore it is not surprising that water "mem" (maim) is the source of M and that fish, "nun" (noon) the source of N. The letter M has changed but little in form, it is the Greek letter "Mu" and the Roman M (em). The head of the fish, from which the letter N is pictured, was simplified even more than the head of the ox, in A. It no doubt represents the fisherman's viewpoint - not a swimming fish but a suspended one. The Greeks reversed the stroke and called it "Nu" and the Romans did not change its form but called it N (en).

Our "N" Coloring Pages Thus Far:
  1. "N is for native" alphabet coloring page, plus upper and lower case for "Nn" tracing practice
  2. "N is for nest" alphabet coloring page, letter and word trace, recognize letter Nn
Search for more of our English Alphabet Letter Coloring Pages:
Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  and  Zz

More About The Letter "N":