Showing posts with label Costumes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Costumes. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Color the costume and customs of Japanese children...

Description of Coloring Page: kimono, big sister and little baby brother, platform shoes, garden path, Japanese lantern, cherry tree, bonsai, Daruma doll, rice bowls and text title "Japan"

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Color these lovely Spanish ladies

Description of Coloring Page: by José Pinazo Martínez, flowers, gowns, costumes, ruffles, fans, Spanish, 

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Color a Costume: Punchinello

Description of Coloring Page: This costume is customarily sewn with white with red pompons, lace-frill decorations; red and white stockings, and white shoes with white rosettes.

Who is Punchinello? (punchinella)  A traditional Italian puppet, in the form of a short fat clown.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this alphabet coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Color these lovely Spanish ladies

Description of Coloring Page: Spanish fashions, peacock feather fan, headdresses, long gowns, by Jose Pinazo
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Make way for the circus wedding!

Description of Coloring Page: lion costumes, bride and groom, holding the bride's train, people dressed for a parade, top hat, flowers

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Give this clown a face before coloring him in.

Description of Coloring Page: This clown needs a face., ruffled collar, tiny hat, feather, head of a clown

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Find more of my posts about clowns:

Look out for giraffes in the circus parade!

Description of Coloring Pages: drum, beating a drum, people dressed in costume, circus parade, Mardi Gras parade, clowns, clown cart, man dressed as monkey, people inside giraffe costume

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Color the bunnies spring play...

Description of Coloring Page:  dressed up for play, theater, performance, Spring entertainment, students, parents, costumes

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Draw and color a knight's helmut

Description of Coloring Page: There are eleven different types of helmuts depicted on this chart for knights. head, war, protection

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color different kinds of armor

Description of Coloring Page: crest, skull, visor, beavor, gorget, shoulder-gard, pauldron, reebrace, coude or elbow-cop, vambrace, gautlet, breast, lance-rest, palette or rondel, taces, tassets, breech, cuisse, genouillere or knee-cop, jamb, soleret, knights in their plated armor, armour, war costume
Maximilian suit of armour, armor.

Tonet suit from Madrid.

Warsuit of 1547, Vienna.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Color a knight's horse wearing armor

Description of Coloring Page: armor or armour for a horse, ready for battle, medieval costume, protection against swords, heavy metal

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can

Friday, October 21, 2016

Color a Lovely Japanese Lady

Description of the coloring page: parasol, wooden heals, kimono, old Japan

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

A Suketsune of Japan for Coloring

Description of the coloring page: Suketsune, a Japanese General, costume, warrior

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Color a Curtsy and a Bow

Description of Coloring Page:good manners, greeting, "may I have this dance" , Colonial costumes, boy and girl

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

What another tea party?

"I haven't time for tea."

Description of Coloring Page: tea party, tea cups, teapot, little girl playing dress up, Colonial costume

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Color these children pretending to be royalty...

Click to enlarge.
Description of Coloring Page: children at play, pretend royalty, dress ups, crowns,

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.