Thursday, July 14, 2016

The shepherd and the sea coloring page

A shepherd plays music for his flock.
Description of Coloring Page: sea, ocean, ships, cliffs, sheep, goats, flute, shepherd, tree, pasture, cloudy day, fable by La Fontiane, illustrated by Percy J. Billinghurst, title text

A SHEPHERD, neighbor to the sea,
 Lived with his flock contentedly.
His fortune, though but small,
Was safe within his call.
At last some stranded kegs of gold
Him tempted, and his flock he sold,
Turn'd merchant, and the ocean's waves
Bore all his treasure to its caves.
Brought back to keeping sheep once more,
But not chief shepherd, as before,
When sheep were his that grazed the shore,
He who, as Corydon or Thyrsis,
Might once have shone in pastoral verses,
Bedeck'd with rhyme and metre,
Was nothing now but Peter.
But time and toil redeem'd in full
Those harmless creatures rich in wool ;
And as the lulling winds, one day,
The vessels wafted with a gentle motion,
" Want you," he cried, "more money, Madam Ocean?
Address yourself to some one else, I pray ;
You shall not get it out of me !
I know too well your treachery."

'This tale's no fiction, but a fact.
Which, by experience back'd,
Proves that a single penny,
At present held, and certain,
Is worth five times as many,
Of Hope's, beyond the curtain;
'That one should be content with his condition,
And shut his ears to counsels of ambition,
More faithless than the wreck-strown sea, and which
Doth thousands beggar where it makes one rich,
Inspires the hope of wealth, in glorious forms,
And blasts the same with piracy and storms. 

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

The weasel in the granary coloring page

Rodent discussions at the granary.
Description of Coloring Page: weasel, rat, granary, grain, bags, hole in the wall, fable by La Fontaine, illustrated by Percy J. Billinghurst, title text

A WEASEL through a hole contrived to squeeze,
** (She was recovering from disease,)
Which led her to a farmer's hoard.
There lodged, her wasted form she cherish'd ;
Heaven knows the lard and victuals stored
That by her gnawing perish'd !
Of which the consequence
Was sudden corpulence.
A week or so was past,
When having fully broken fast,
A noise she heard, and hurried
To find the hole by which she came,
And seem'd to find it not the same ;
So round she ran, most sadly flurried ;
And, coming back, thrust out her head,
Which, sticking there, she said,
" This is the hole, there can't b~ blunder :
What makes it now so small, I wonder,
Where, but the other day, I pass'd with ease ? "
A rat her trouble sees,
And cries, " But with an emptier belly ;
You enter'd lean, and lean must sally."

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

The swan and the cook coloring page

Fowl waiting for slaughter.

Description of Coloring Page: cook holding a knife, geese, swan, birds feathers, wall, cat, shrubs, fable for La Fontaine, Illustrated by Percy J. Billinghurst, title text

THE pleasures of a poultry yard
Were by a swan and gosling shared.
The swan was kept there for his looks,
The thrifty gosling for the cooks ;
The first the garden's pride, the latter
A greater favorite on the platter.
They swam the ditches, side by side,
And oft in sports aquatic vied,
Plunging, splashing far and wide,
With rivalry ne'er satisfied.
One day the cook, named Thirsty John,
Sent for the gosling, took the swan
In haste his throat to cut,
And put him in the pot.
The bird's complaint resounded
In glorious melody ;
Whereat the cook, astounded
His sad mistake to see,
Cried, " What ! make soup of a musician !
Please God, I'll never set such dish on.
No, no ; I'll never cut a throat
That sings so sweet a note."

* Tis thus, whatever peril may alarm us,
Sweet words will never harm us. 

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

The wolf turned shepherd coloring page

A wolf disguised as a shepherd.
Description of Coloring Page: staff, top hat, wolf in shepherd's cloak, sheep, field title text, fable by La Fontaine,  illustrated by Percy J. Billinghurst

A WOLF, whose gettings from the flocks
Began to be but few,
Bethought himself to play the fox
In character quite new.
A shepherd's hat and coat he took,
A cudgel for a crook,
Nor e'en the pipe forgot:
And more to seem what he was not,
Himself upon his hat he wrote,
" I'm Willie, shepherd of these sheep."
His person thus complete,
His crook in upraised feet,
The impostor Willie stole upon the keep.
The real Willie, on the grass asleep,
Slept there, indeed, profoundly,
His dog and pipe slept, also soundly;
His drowsy sheep around lay.
As for the greatest number,
Much bless'd the hypocrite their slumber,
And hoped to drive away the flock,
Could he the shepherd's voice but mock.
He thought undoubtedly he could.
He tried : the tone in which he spoke,
Loud echoing from the wood,
The plot and slumber broke;
Sheep, dog, and man awoke.
The wolf, in sorry plight,
In hampering coat bedight,
Could neither run nor fight.
'There s always leakage of deceit
Which makes it never safe to cheat.
Whoever is a wolf had better
Keep clear of hypocritic fetter. 

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Trace, Cut and Paste Exercises

Example "The Birthday Cake" cut and paste.
Children under seven would be expected to
assemble this picture with instructions. They
would not be expected to cut it out accurately
 until age nine. Templates for each lesson are
 included with the post.
      Cut and paste, developmental learning activities are very popular lessons taught inside preschools, kindergartens and early learning centers. In the early learning center where I used to teach, students complete at least two of these kinds of exercises per week. The reason for this was obvious for those who have ever observed the fundamental learning that takes place during any primary school’s curriculum. All young students experience some difficulty in developing the levels of obedience, observation and productivity that are required of them in order to be successful in academic environments. These qualities should be developed over a few short years by a loving, patient, and creative team of teachers (or parents) in order for them to be properly prepared.

Typical objectives for cut and paste assignments:
  • Students will learn to listen and follow directions in the order in which they are given.
  • Students will learn to recognize shapes and use their correct names.
  • Students will learn to recognize colors and to use their correct names.
  • Students will learn about spatial relationships and differences between basic shapes.
  • Students will learn how to paste elements in an organized fashion in order to create an image.
  • Students will learn how to cut simple geometric shapes accurately with scissors.
  • Students will also learn common words used as instruction in everyday language. Words like: under, over, next, beneath, left, right, repeat and circle
  • Student will learn numerical words used in math instruction. Words like: first, second, third etc...
       Most young students will not be able to fulfill all of the objectives concurrently until they have practiced them over and over for many months. The ultimate goal of the exercise is: to teach little ones to perform perfectly together, all of the objectives within the context of the assignment, by the end of their kindergarten year, not by the end of the exercise.  
       Included with each lesson are stencils and sample directions. The teacher completes an example of the project in front of students prior to their own assigned exercise. The teacher should then tape the exercise to the wall where all of the students may view it as they complete the lesson. Teachers should then recite the directions listed above as his or her students progress through the exercise verbatim.
       Teachers should add or subtract from these directions and methods in order to adapt the lessons' level of difficulty for the age and abilities of each group of students/child.

Coming Soon:

  1.  The Birthday Cake Cut and Paste
  2.  Butterfly Friends Cut and Paste
  3.  Castle Cut and Paste
  4.  Fishy Cut and Paste
  5.  Shape Man Cut and Paste
  6.  Little Girl Cut and Paste
  7.  Orange Tree Cut and Paste
  8.  Red Bird Cut and Paste
  9.  Rocket Cut and Paste
Related Activities:

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Color-by-numbers: Share a Book

These children are ready to read.
Description of Color-by-number page: boy and a girl hold open a large book, dog and cat look on

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Stacking Boxes

So many beautiful colors to choose from.
Description of Color-by-number page: boy stacking colorful boxes

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Bear Bone

Do bears like bones?
Description of Color-by-number page: little girl, bone, basket, two giant stuffed bears, hat

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Beware of Cat

Playful cat and mouse game for coloring.
Description of Color-by-number page: child playing with her pet, cat, stuffed toy mouse, string, fence

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

The ears of the hare coloring page

The ears of the hare coloring page.
Description of Coloring Page: hare, rabbit, bunny, shadow, grasshopper, field, daisies or black-eyed Susans, fable by La Fontaine, Illustrated by Percy J. Billinghurst, title text

Some beast with horns did gore
The lion; and that sovereign dread,
Resolved to suffer so no more,
Straight banish'd from his realm, 'tis said,
All sorts of beasts with horns--
Rams, bulls, goats, stags, and unicorns.
Such brutes all promptly fled.
A hare, the shadow of his ears perceiving,
Could hardly help believing
That some vile spy for horns would take them,
And food for accusation make them.
"Adieu," said he," my neighbor cricket;
I take my foreign ticket.
My ears, should I stay here,
Will turn to horns, I fear;
And were they shorter than a bird's,
I fear the effect of words."
"These horns!" the cricket answer'd; " why,
God made them ears who can deny?"
Yes," said the coward," still they'll make them horns,
And horns, perhaps, of unicorns!
In vain shall I protest,
With all the learning of the schools 
My reasons they will send to rest
In th' Hospital of Fools."

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

The wolf accusing the fox coloring page

A trial by animals fable coloring page.
Description of Coloring Page: fox, wolf, monkey, wig, judgement, court, trees, fable by La Fontaine, title text, Illustrated by Percy J. Billinghurst

A WOLF, affirming his belief
That he had suffer'd by a thief,
Brought up his neighbor fox
Of whom it was by all confess'd,
His character was not the best
To fill the prisoner's box.
As judge between these vermin,
A monkey graced the ermine ;
And truly other gifts of Themis
Did scarcely seem his;
For while each party plead his cause,
Appealing boldly to the laws,
And much the question vex'd,
Our monkey sat perplex'd.
Their words and wrath expended,
Their strife at length was ended;
When, by their malice taught,
The judge this judgment brought:
Your characters, my friends, I long have known,
As on this trial clearly shown;
And hence I fine you both the grounds at large
To state would little profit
You wolf, in short, as bringing groundless charge,
You fox, as guilty of it." 

Come at it right or wrong, the judge opined
No other than a villain could be fined

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. 

The thieves and the ass coloring page

The thieves and the ass fable coloring page.
Description of Coloring Page: men, thieves, ass, dagger, arguing, fists, evening landscape, title text, fable by La Fontaine

TWO thieves, pursuing their profession,
Had of a donkey got possession,
Whereon a strife arose,
Which went from words to blows.
The question was, to sell, or not to sell;
But while our sturdy champions fought it well,
Another thief, who chanced to pass,
With ready wit rode off the ass.

'This ass is, by interpretation,
Some province poor, or prostrate nation.
The thieves are princes this and that,
On spoils and plunder prone to fat,
As those of Austria, Turkey, Hungary.
(Instead of two, I've quoted three
Enough of such commodity.)
These powers engaged in war all,
Some fourth thief stops the quarrel,
According all to one key,
riding off the donkey

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.