Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The wolf accusing the fox coloring page

A trial by animals fable coloring page.
Description of Coloring Page: fox, wolf, monkey, wig, judgement, court, trees, fable by La Fontaine, title text, Illustrated by Percy J. Billinghurst

A WOLF, affirming his belief
That he had suffer'd by a thief,
Brought up his neighbor fox
Of whom it was by all confess'd,
His character was not the best
To fill the prisoner's box.
As judge between these vermin,
A monkey graced the ermine ;
And truly other gifts of Themis
Did scarcely seem his;
For while each party plead his cause,
Appealing boldly to the laws,
And much the question vex'd,
Our monkey sat perplex'd.
Their words and wrath expended,
Their strife at length was ended;
When, by their malice taught,
The judge this judgment brought:
Your characters, my friends, I long have known,
As on this trial clearly shown;
And hence I fine you both the grounds at large
To state would little profit
You wolf, in short, as bringing groundless charge,
You fox, as guilty of it." 

Come at it right or wrong, the judge opined
No other than a villain could be fined

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. 

The thieves and the ass coloring page

The thieves and the ass fable coloring page.
Description of Coloring Page: men, thieves, ass, dagger, arguing, fists, evening landscape, title text, fable by La Fontaine

TWO thieves, pursuing their profession,
Had of a donkey got possession,
Whereon a strife arose,
Which went from words to blows.
The question was, to sell, or not to sell;
But while our sturdy champions fought it well,
Another thief, who chanced to pass,
With ready wit rode off the ass.

'This ass is, by interpretation,
Some province poor, or prostrate nation.
The thieves are princes this and that,
On spoils and plunder prone to fat,
As those of Austria, Turkey, Hungary.
(Instead of two, I've quoted three
Enough of such commodity.)
These powers engaged in war all,
Some fourth thief stops the quarrel,
According all to one key,
riding off the donkey

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

The grasshopper and the ant coloring page

The grasshopper and ant fable coloring page.

Description of Coloring Page: grasshopper, ants, field, poppies, title text, fable by La Fontaine, Illustrated by Percy J. Billinghurst

 Sang the summer away,
And found herself poor
By the winter's first roar.
Of meat or of bread,
Not a morsel she had !
So a-begging she went,
To her neighbor the ant,
For the loan of some wheat,
Which would serve her to eat,
Till the season came round.
"I will pay you," she saith,
" On an animal's faith,
Double weight in the pound
Ere the harvest be bound.'*
The ant is a friend
(And here she might mend)
Little given to lend.
" How spent you the summer ? "
Quoth she, looking shame
At the borrowing dame.
" Night and day to each comer
I sang, if you please."
" You sang ! I'm at ease ;
For 'tis plain at a glance,
Now, ma'am, you must dance."

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Shoveling Snow

Color-by-number this winter chore.
Description of Color-by-number page: person shoveling snow, sun is coming out to help, shovel, winter snow suit

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Stroll Through The Park

Color key included with this color-by-number.
Description of Color-by-number page: child, girl, strolling through the park or along the shore, baby stroller, baby sister, birds

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Time for Bed

It's time for bed, sleepy head!
Description of Color-by-number page: grandfather clock, time, pet cat, teddy bear, moon in window, boy in pajamas, it's seven o'clock

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Toy Train

A colorful train just for you to color.
Description of Color-by-number page:  boy plays with a toy train, train tracks, steam engine
Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Fish

The fish with many colored scales.
Description of Color-by-number page: a fish that is very colorful, swimming, smiling

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
Craft an entire school of "Rainbow Fish" from paper plates.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Color-by-number: The Wagon Ride

This color-by-number page include a color coded chart.
Description of Color-by-number page: little girl riding in a wagon with her doll, she is steering the wagon, boy blowing his horn, boy pushing the wagon, tree

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Four Balloons

This color-by-number page include a color coded chart.
Description of Color-by-number page: girl sits on steps and holds four balloons, boy points to the balloons

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color-by-number: Don't Cry!

This color-by-number page include a color coded chart.

Description of Color-by-number page: boy gives girl flowers, girl crying, wagon with empty bucket, shovel, wheels, empathy

Color-by-number practice sheets help children:
  • Decipher code
  • Recognize colors, color words and numbers
  • Condition eye and hand coordination
  • Practice small motor skills
  • Increase concentration levels
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Index for Coloring Shapes

       A shape is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline, or external surface, as opposed to other properties such as color, texture, or material composition.
       Students under the age of seven should be able to identify basic shapes like: circles, ovals, squares, rectangles and triangles. Students older than eight should be able to identify geons like: cones, spheres,  cubes, cylinders and pyramids. 

Trace, Cut and Paste The Shapes:
 Related Content:
Roller coaster building adventure with shapes.